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RealityChain Development Update Log 6

Updated: Jul 29, 2022

GM Everyone!

Welcome to another development update log!

Before the updates, we have some news. We have just hosted the metaverse event for Baku Hantam Championship, broadcasting the fight of Martin vs. Jean (Danny of Myriad) on metaverse! Besides broadcasting, we're also built a new fighting box and avatar animation for this fight.

Baku Hantam Championship Event Poster

Screenshot from Martin vs. Jean fight on

Watch the event here:

Another news update: Our Avatar and Parcel Bounty Hunt is over! For each category, we have chosen five winners from the 36 Avatars and 17 Parcels submitted.

Final news update, we’re partnering with Lacrove to hold the inaugural Indonesia Digital Fashion Week. This event will be held within RealityChain's 2Dverse engine. We don’t have an exact date yet, but please look forward to it, and stay tuned for more info!

Now, let’s talk about RealityChain’s 2DVerse development; here are some updates:

  • mainnet launch preparation

We’re preparing to launch the world of to the mainnet. Migrating the world to the mainnet means the world is no longer in beta testing. The world's rules and instructions may be updated for mainnet in order to cater to technical updates within the new environment. with new UI
  • Randomized Avatar

We’re implementing a new feature where when you visit 2DVerse, your avatar will randomly generate. The feature is only active when you log as a guest (anon), and you can change your avatar in the menu. In addition, you will automatically appear as your saved avatar from the previous session if you log in.

Randomized Avatar
  • Online List

We’ve added the ability to see anyone online in the 2DVerse world in one easy-to-access list. With that list, you can also check out other people's profiles, chat with them, and teleport to their current location.

  • Bug Fixes and UI/UX Improvements

We’re improving some aspects of our 2DVerse engine based on our experience in the Avatar and Bounty Hunting competition and critics from our stakeholders. For example, one of the critical user experiences we’re trying to improve is the avatar and parcel creation guideline to make it as clear and easy to understand as possible.

That’s it for our development updates! We have a lot to prepare for these upcoming events and also working hard to develop our 3DVerse engine. We are very thankful for your support. See you at one of our events and during another development update!

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